We all have a money story, the challenge is to own it.

hey there - Let's TAlk money...

I've laid it all out here in the spirit of vulnerability & authenticity.

Someone reading this today needs to know that she's not alone

and in actual fact, when it comes to her money story:

The best is yet to come...

You see, I used to earn a stellar income, yet couldn’t seem to account for it as it evaporated out of my bank account like an unsolved mystery each month. There were days when I’d shop my favourite designer’s latest collection for a new season’s wardrobe only to find I hardly had room for all these gorgeous new pretties when I brought them home. Times when parcels would be delivered and I’d struggle to remember having placed the order. My delivery guy knew me by name at that point. The objects would pile up in the cupboards - expensive, unused, superfluous.

I used to earn a stellar income, yet couldn’t seem to account for it as it evaporated out of my bank account like an unsolved mystery each month. There were days when I’d shop my favourite designer’s latest collection for a new season’s wardrobe only to find things piling up in the cupboards - expensive, unused, superfluous.

I was driving the European car, enjoying the water views over Sydney Harbour from my living room and trying to convince myself that I’d made it. I was at the top of my game and earning the big dollars. That’s what I’d be striving for all those years, right…?!

For 15 years I had a glittering career in Banking and the salary to match. So, for as long as I kept on earning the big bucks, I kept on spending them to fill a void. This essentially kept me on the hamster wheel of working in a career I wasn’t loving, because I needed the income to prop up the lifestyle, so I could tolerate the pain of always working, that made me the money, which I spent just as fast as I earned it…

Smiling woman with long brown hair wearing a black and white patterned dress and large silver earrings, sitting on a chair in a bright, greenery-filled space.

Sound familiar?

Sydney Harbour Bridge with nearby historic brick buildings and waterfront docks under a cloudy sky in Sydney, Australia.

This essentially kept me on the hamster wheel of working in a career I wasn’t loving, because I needed the income to prop up the lifestyle, so I could tolerate the pain of always working, that made me the money, which I spent just as fast as I earned it…

Until I was blessed with Motherhood, bringing a welcome career pause.

Suddenly, without a great big salary… the wheels (rather predictably) fell off.

As a career banker with a string of qualifications in Economics, Finance and Investment, it made zero sense to me how I could have gotten it all so wrong… but I hit my financial rock bottom - with a solid THUMP + BUMP.

The early years of being a mum were destroyed by my crushing anxiety around how I could continue to feed and clothe my babies while servicing obscene debt, like an expensive hangover from a lifestyle I could no longer maintain…

For the longest time, I felt grinding shame, constant overwhelm and a suffocating sense of powerlessness.

I tried the obvious remedies, tried to pay down debt with snowballs, tried to stick to a budget but none of it was enough because my mindset kept betraying my efforts. Time and time again I would find myself sabotaging my own best laid plans.

Woman in a straw hat holding a young child in a sunlit field during golden hour.

I wanted to love those early baby years. I wanted to be present for my little ones. I truly wanted options, flexibility, balance. But I just could not figure out how I managed to get so utterly trapped under the weight of the money mess that I had somehow created...

Woman with a braid and hat standing in a field, hands on her head, looking at scenic rolling hills and distant mountains.

Rock bottom can be a really lonely place and whilst I was down there I realised that there was something deeper working against me than a momentary lapse of attention to budgeting and haphazard cashflow management.

I realised I had a seriously messed up relationship with money and that I had to pull the problematic elements of it out by the roots and start over again.

When it finally dawned on me that I had been setting myself up for this mess since childhood, thanks to faulty beliefs around money and my own damaged sense of self worth, it was like the universe just declared “Yes, girl - that’s step 1. Now, keep going!”

It was at that moment, when I realised that I had to go deeper and challenge

every cliché and obvious, surface level remedy for poor money management, that I began to feel a sense of hope and purpose again.

Discovering the true origins of my faulty thinking, I felt as though the weight of years of confusion were stripped off me in minutes.

Recognising that a series of small but significant changes were the key to turning my financial life around, I saw that I held the power to make it right.

Realising that these remedies weren’t simply practical or conventional but:




Emotional &


Shows that improving our relationship with money does not start & finish with spreadsheets, sober credit consumption or a humble rainy-day fund.

Empty rural road stretching into the distance, surrounded by green trees and hills under a cloudy sky.
Silhouette of a woman standing with arms outstretched at sunset, wearing athletic clothing, with buildings in the background.

Choosing to abandon shame, I began to declare that in my vulnerability lay my greatest strength.

Deciding to shed the cloak of victimhood, step into my power and fight my way forward, is when every thing changed.

Taking action was key, suddenly the universe began to shower me with guides, teachers and inspiration.

I smashed my way out of debt and forged a way from absolute despair into the extraordinary financial abundance

I enjoy today.

You can write a "happily ever after" outcome to YOUR money story, too.

my money coaching approach will show you what's possible.

I help you totally redesign your relationship with money, so you can trust yourself, take control and make financial decisions with confidence.

I share my experience in all the gritty detail because I believe all women are capable of re-writing their money story and developing a healthy, intentional relationship with money.

It’s just that so few of us can figure out how to do it, when we stumble along alone.

Worried woman sitting on the floor, holding a long receipt next to a calculator and credit cards, appearing stressed about finances.

And even if you’re not drowning spectacularly in debt, with a shopping addiction, champagne tastes and a penchant for shiny things - you’ve likely admitted to yourself once or twice that you could probably do better. If you managed your money even a little bit more intentionally, then maybe you’d have:

More options.

More choices.

Feel less trapped.

Begin to trust your decisions more.

Find a degree of autonomy that right now feels elusive.

Those who try a DIY approach, will often buy a book about investing (which they never read), download a budget template, plug in some numbers, take a deep breath, cross their fingers for luck and sort of… hope for the best.

Ladies, I’m here to tell you - this ain’t enough.

You need a coach. You need a plan.

You need to go deep. You need to go wide.

Money Coaching is the single most effective way to cut through the years of unhelpful and sub-optimal conditioning which has tainted your attitude and perspective when it comes to money. In the space of only 90-days, you can completely re-write your money story. Then you’ll be empowered to chase a financial future that previously you wouldn’t have even given yourself permission to imagine.

It’s the only way I have seen that actually works and creates long term changes in people’s mindset, patterns and behaviours around their money. Truly, after nearly 20 years of working in Finance, nothing else actually achieves the double whammy of BOTH restoring the bottom line numbers while also improving women’s relationships with themselves…

Because the obvious and standard approach - buy a book, follow the rules, deny yourself (all the) fun - simply isn’t enough. I mean, if it were then wouldn’t people have fixed these problems years ago? Why then are we still seeing families torn apart by money troubles? Women martyring themselves for their families while giving up on their dreams and living a half-life of missed opportunities…?

Frustrated woman with long dark hair raising her hands while looking at a laptop, sitting at a desk with papers in a modern office.

The answer is that the recipe of academic smarts + strict discipline + taking your home-made lunch to work, alone just doesn’t cut it.

Frustrated woman in a light gray blazer sitting at a desk with a laptop, holding her forehead in disappointment.

The more “middle class” approach: sitting opposite a Financial Planner: nodding, smiling, asking him to sort it all out for you. As a solution, that is about as far from empowering as possible and trust me, it will not fix anything at all. Outsourcing some investment strategies and presuming it’s all going to work out fine is kinda like the world’s biggest band-aid applied to a gushing wound. Futile doesn’t even come close.

You need to go back to the roots of it all, do some (at times awkward and uncomfortable) excavation as to what lies beneath the decision making you’ve indulged in for your entire life thus far.

Through coaching, you will gain that awareness and figure out how to release the beliefs that no longer serve you.

we weed, feed and then seed new money patterns that support you: moving you toward your goals.

Redesign your relationship with money, trust yourself, take control and make financial decisions with confidence.

Amazing! Empowering! Extraordinary!

You may be wondering if you're too broken for something like this.

Have you left it too late?

Are you worthy of the investment, the time, the tears...?

Let me share a few secrets with you:

  • Money struggles are so commonplace, yet are almost NEVER acknowledged.

  • Almost everyone is baffled (to some degree) by money, yet to somehow protect our pride or observe some ridiculous social covenant, we almost never raise these issues with friends and family.

  • As a result, there is a huge amount of pain and human suffering, confusion, anxiety and fear out there that simply has no right to dominate our worldview.

  • And yet it does.

Action is the antidote to fear.

Your time is NOW.

How we can work together

My coaching programs are designed to meet you where you are at.

You decide what stage you are ready for and we go from there.


Money Coaching is ALL about giving women options, here are yours:

Money mindshift coaching program

all-in, transformative 90-day program

You will examine your relationship with money more honestly and completely than you ever have before.

This is not a program for the faint hearted.

It is the pathway you take when you know in your bones that your time is NOW, you are ready to do the work.

Nobody leaves this experience unchanged.

You essentially die and are reborn - this time you write the script.

You will not recognise yourself when we are done.

Money pattern interrupt

identify your patterns & habits

A single 1:1 coaching session. Get clear on your money patterns, identify what is holding you back and begin to step into your power.

map the gap workbook

goal setting made easy

FREE workbook so you can make a start right away with setting and achieving your money goals.

Join the tribe of BOLD and COURAGEOUS women rewriting their money stories

with these incredible clients

Remember: transformation awaits on the other side of doubt

Is it time to trust yourself, take control and become totally intentional about your relationship with money?
Do you truly believe you can rewrite your money story?

FREE Download: Map the GAP, Money Goals Made Easy

Become the sort of woman who makes a solid plan, then goes out and conquers it.

Get Started NOW

Logo for "Map the Gap: Money Goals Made Easy," featuring a clean design with blue and green text alongside a connected pathway icon representing progress and goal-setting.

FREE Workbook HERE

Person holding a clipboard displaying the "Map the Gap: Money Goals Made Easy" workbook by Tara Saxon, Certified Money Coach, with a clean and professional design in soft green and blue tones.

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The money tips and resources here are meant to encourage, motivate & inspire. Please know, they might not fit your personal situation perfectly.

Always check in with a financial pro for advice that’s just right for you before making big decisions.

I'm all about empowering single and independent women with confidence, excitement, & real results - because you deserve to thrive financially!